Financial Consultancy

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    Financial Consultancy

    ERA’s Financial Consultancy service completes the set of services offered by ERA’s Center of Research and Competitive Intelligence. ERA takes any development projects’ idea and turn it into reality and back this with accurate figures that take into consideration minimizing the cost of risk and maximizing profit.

    ERA’s Financial Consultancy Department offers:

    • Financial Studies check the project viability in terms of financials and business model.
    • ERA highly experienced project finance expert carefully assess your project proposal to deliver the information that investors need to base their decision on. As a trusted independent third party ERA can assist in an unbiased behavior for the best interest of the project.
    • ERA spare its partners the lengthy process, waste of valuable time and effort as its financial expert will simplify and shorten the process.

    Services provided:

    • Determine the project’s viability and if any conditions need to be met before investment.
    • Gain accurate information of  potential projects based on a thorough review of specifications, licenses, permits, location, site visits, and economic analysis.
    • Implement complete financial plan to provide feasibility study.
    • Assess risk accurately through careful analysis.
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